The Evolution of Water...
Founded in September 2018, the company’s mission is to make eauVolution a global leader in the creation and branding of sustainable, eco friendly innovative, premium beverages for adults and children.
eauVolution creates and markets brands which propel the evolution of water as an indispensable element of modern life. Convenience, appeal, function, education, and above all sustainability distinguish each of eauVolution’s offerings.

Eauvolution are proud to launch H2EAU water, which comes in a plant based carton, which helps contribute to lower carbon emissions, with a certified sugarcane top. The cartons are made from paperboard which is from responsibly harvested and certified trees. H2EAU is 100% recyclable, with a super lightweight packaging which preserves our artesian water. Our H2EAU bottles are reusable and recyclable which work to provide a sustainable hydration for and a healthier happier planet for generations to come.